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When will the Ferrosilicon Rising Wind Blowing over the Northwest?


         Recently, the ferrosilicon market are full of the voice of price rising. Of course, in the ferrosilicon prices fell below the cost of the manufacturers hope to warm up, and with the March steel tender opening, the market demand gradually improved, Coupled with the Spring Festival before and after the overall production downtime more manufacturers, the market supply decreased more obvious. This week, the Northwest main producing areas, the Qinghai region to increase the price of ferrosilicon, offer mainly concentrated in the 72 # 4700-4800 yuan / ton acceptance of natural tax, compared with the previous price increase of 100 yuan / ton.
         However, after the increase in prices in Qinghai, other regions are not obvious changes in Inner Mongolia manufacturers offer still maintained at 72 # 4750 yuan / ton, 75 # 4950 yuan / ton factory tax qualified block, but the market minimum transaction price has been raised. In mid to late February the market price fell to low, the stock price decline in sales processing inventory, other regions, the overall inventory is not large. Gansu current silicon manufacturers rarely, the Northwest iron production, Ningxia Zhongwei only three general silicon factory, the total output is 20,000 Ton; Qinghai production enterprises are more, Huadian it is learned that no inventory, other factory production is not large, but also hundreds of tons. According to the Qinghai factory, said the environmental protection group or will be stationed in Qinghai this month, if the inspection efforts, then the Qinghai region affected by the plant is more obvious, or will stop the investigation, the market supply will once again lower.
          Although the current price of ferrosilicon stock has not been blowing the northwest, but with the market supply reduction, the gradual release of downstream procurement and the impact of late environmental inspection, the price increase is still available.